27th November 2024: Astrophotography – Mary McIntyre
Mary is an astronomy speaker, writer, astrophotographer and astronomy/space artist based in Oxfordshire, UK. Her presentation to us in November will consist of two parts:
Part one: “Astrophotography Without a Telescope”
There is a misconception that you need to have a telescope to do astrophotography but there are many things you can photograph in the night sky with just a camera and lenses. This talk covers the basics of how to photograph meteor showers, the Milky Way, aurora, star trails, the Moon and more. This talk is especially appropriate to clubs whose members may not have access to a telescope.
Part two: “My Astrophotography Highlights”
In this part of the presentation Mary will show some of her favourite astronomy photos she has taken to date, explaining how she took them and the stories behind each image. |