Health and Safety Policy
Solihull Photographic Society (SPS) wishes to ensure that its members enjoy society activities in a safe manner. To this end it has developed this Health and Safety Policy which will be promoted to all its members. It applies only to meetings of the Society held at the Solihull Methodist hall.
Responsibility and review
Overall responsibility for this Policy rests with the General Committee led by the Chairman. Day to day responsibility rests with the person in charge of each meeting supported by any other SPS officer as necessary. The Policy will be reviewed annually or in the event of an accident.
Policy awareness
A copy of the policy will be provided to all members of the Society. An accident book shall be maintained by the Secretary to record any incidents that occur during society meetings.
Risk assessment
The following hazards have been assessed and identified actions taken. With the mitigation measures identified these are all deemed low risk.
Hazard |
Who is at risk |
Action taken |
By Whom |
When |
Covid 19 or similar infectious diseases | All members of the Society and visitors | Nobody allowed to attend if displaying any relevant symptoms.
Ensure all attendees sign in and provide contact details which are kept for at least 21 days |
Committee members
Ongoing |
Fire | Have in place clear procedures for dealing with fire, based on those adopted by the Hall | Committee members
Ongoing | |
Slips, trips and sprains | General good housekeeping in hall and kitchen
Use cable cover for extension lead as necessary Warn any visitors or members about risk of tripping on or whilst accessing stage Warn members about care to be taken when putting out or returning equipment to storage |
Committee members
Committee members Committee members Committee members |
Ongoing |
Hot water in kitchen | Any members involved in making hot drinks | Advise all members about correct use of kitchen equipment
Committee members
Electrical hazards | Members using Society electrical equipment | Regular visual checks on condition of plugs and wiring and use RCD devices to protect equipment wherever practicable. | Equipment users | At least monthly |