Colour DPI awards 2016

PAGB Gold Medal
Mist and Frost on the Stour by Paul Smith
Peter Rees Medal
Samburu Goat Herders by John Larry
Tony Broom Medal
Swapping Tales by Bob Bishop
Bob Underhill Medal
Natural Beauty by Joan Blease
Best Solihull Medal
Reflecting on Life by Steve Crampton

PAGB Ribbons
Arctic Stormfront by David Byrne
Under the Orange Lamp by David Giffin
Faded Beauty by John Mee

Highly Commended
Morning Flight by Lorraine Hardy
Jess Ennis Hill Flying High by Steve Shaw
Ivory Flame by Nigel Thompson

Ellie by Stuart Daffin
Deganwy Sunset by Robert Jones
The Stones on the Beach by Roy Scrivener