2018 Colour DPI Awards

PAGB Gold Medal
Best in Class by Anna Warrington ARPS DPAGB BPE2*
Christine Widdall Medal
Determination by Alan Young FRPS EFIAP/b DPAGB PSA4*
Pete McCloskey Medal
Waiting Out the Winter by Rob Hockney DPAGB BPE4*
Don Byatt Medal
Linh Mai by Angela Thompson CPAGB BPE3*

Best Solihull Medal
A Long Way Up by Steve Crampton

PAGB Ribbon
Almost Clear by Alan Young FRPS EFIAP/b DPAGB PSA4*
PAGB Ribbon
Punch Drunk by Phil Barber
PAGB Ribbon
Full Force by Phil Barber

Highly commended
Last But One by Alan Young FRPS EFIAP/b DPAGB PSA4*
Out for a Duck 6822 by Trevor Woods EFIAP APAGB
Freestyle by Sandy Tolhurst CPAGB BPE3*
The Mill at Sunset by John Thorndike LRPS BPE2*
Shades of Green by Sharon Prenton Jones EFIAP/b BPE4*
Loggerhead Turtle by David Keep LRPS CPAGB BPE3*
Making a Splash by Tom Jones DPAGB BPE2*
Exhibition-Perspective by John Cartlidge EFIAP/p APAGB BPE5*

Brexit by Brian McClure DPAGB LRPS LIPF BPE3*
The Occulus by Cheryl Leyser CPAGB BPE3*
Working the Pommel by Maldwyn Jones DPAGB
Underdog by Christine Johnson BPE4* CPAGB
Lady of the Manor by Alan Duggan BPE