PAGB Gold Medal
Grey Seal, Farne Islands, UK by David Keep ARPS DPAGB ABPE AFIAP
Peter Gennard Medal
Dark Green Fritillary on Marsh Woundwort by Tim Hearn AFIAP CPAGB
Diane Seddon Medal
Shag at Nest by Nick Akers LRPS BPE2*
Ralph Duckett Medal
Emerald Damselfly by Jim Stevenson CPAGB BPE2
Best Solihull Medal
Black Backed Jackal at Waterhole by Bob Breach BPE1*
PAGB Ribbon
Kingfisher with Catch by Kuli Virdee DPAGB BPE4*
PAGB Ribbon
Away with the Catch by George Reekie DPAGB ABPE
PAGB Ribbon
Praying Mantis by Eileen Jones CPAGB BPE3*
Highly commended
Bee-Eater with Bee by Karin Wilson ARPS EFIAP BPE4* DPAGB
Alert Cheetah Mother by Ian Whiston DPAGB EFIAP/s ABPE
Banded Demoiselles on Plantain by Tony North BPE2* CPAGB
Battling Impala by Kath Aggiss BPE3*
Common Blues on Wild Marjoram by Tony North BPE2* CPAGB
Large Red and Common Blue Damselflies by Tony North BPE2* CPAGB
Red Fox by David Hughes ARPS CPAGB
Walrus by Cheryl Greenwood LRPS BPE1*
Trio of File-Eared Tree Frogs Reflected by Richard Adams CPAGB