The Beginning
July 9 1936 Inaugural meeting at 570 Warwick Road at 8 pm, chaired by Mr Donald Allen.
Resolved …
A photographic society be formed, to be known as the ‘Solihull Photographic Society’.
The Society be governed by a Committee, consisting of a President, Secretary and Treasurer and four other members of the Society, who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting to be held in March of each year.
The following officers were then elected: – President – Mr Donald Allen, Secretary – Mr David Jewsbury, Treasurer – Mr EP Malin.
The Society will meet monthly on the second Wednesday of the month at 8 pm in the Women’s Institute, Warwick Road, Solihull.
The annual subscription to the Society will be 10/6, payable to the Treasurer for the time being at the commencement of each financial year, which shall be on 1st March.
The Society will become a member of the Midland Counties Photographic Federation.
July 22 1936 First working meeting of the Society
The President gave a critical lecture on work by the Stourbridge Photographic Society, himself and members of the Solihull Photographic Society.
The Secretary announced the programme of the 1936-37 season, told the meeting of Mr Allen’s gift of a competition Challenge Cup and read out a letter from the Head Master of Solihull School in which permission was granted to the boys of the School to attend the Society’s meetings in spite of a rule regulating outdoor activities after 7 pm.