2023-24 Annual Nature Competition


1st Tony Moir - Banded Demoiselle

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First Place:       Tony Moir. Banded Demoiselle
Second Place: John Gaffney. Barn Owl At Sunset
Third Place:    Jo Monro. Egret Hunting Lom Pepin

Highly Commended:
Bob Bracher.       Starling
Jo Monro.           Puffin Courtship Skomer
John Gaffney.    Hummingbird Hawk Moth

Bob Bracher.        Robin
Jo Monro.             Young Barbary Macaque Gibraltar
David Venables.  Bumble Bee On Cosmos


2nd John Gaffney - Whitethroat in the web

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First Place:            Ruth Martin. Tricia Decipiens.  Slime Mold
Second Place:       John Gaffney. Whitethroat In The Web
Third Place:          Bob Breach. Meadow Pipit In Song

Highly Commended: 
John Gaffney.          Snowy Egret
Tony Moir.               Female Banded Demoiselle
Joyce Rothschild.   Striated Heron With Fish

Jo Monro.               Gannets Pairing
Ruth Martin           Green Elf Cup Fungi

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